“What is alimony?” Alimony is a support payment by one spouse to another which, based upon various factors may be appropriate in a particular case. Alimony is generally not available to a spouse who caused the dissolution of the marriage by their adultery or desertion. Alimony may be for a limited time period or until the spouse receiving alimony dies or remarries, or may be paid in one lump sum. Again, the court will review the Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit (see sample on our web site under “client forms”) when determining the issue of alimony. Factors the court will consider in determining alimony include the length of the marriage; health of each party; assets of each party; and the contributions of each party to homemaking, child raising, and career building of the other party. Randall Kessler is a Family Lawyer and a founding partner of Kessler, Schwarz & Solomiany, P.C., an Atlanta, Georgia family-law firm. Randy has over 20 years of experience in Domestic Relations and Family Law matters including divorce, custody, paternity, prenuptial agreements and child support. He can be reached at 404.688.8810. Visit the firm’s website at http://kssfamilylaw.com. |
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