I think in the same manner that you might seek a second opinion for a medical condition the same would apply in an attorney. If you don’t feel like you are getting the attention or the professionalism to which you feel entitled, you should seek out someone else. Again, for the exact same reasons we talked about for purposes of choosing an attorney.
I will tell you that one of the most common complaints about attorneys from their clients that I hear is a failure to keep the client informed; not returning phone calls, not keeping appointments, giving them hurried or brushed answers. And again, family law is one of the most important aspects of our legal system and it shakes the lives of both the adults and the children forever going forward. So this is not an aspect of the practice that an attorney should ever fail to keep their client fully informed regarding all aspects of the case.
It’s very difficult to make decisions about concrete choices when one’s emotions are in upheaval. So it is incumbent upon a family court lawyer to make sure that the client understands intellectually and emotionally both the choice they’re making today and the consequences from those choices that can come tomorrow. And that requires time, it requires rapport building and it requires trust. And most of the time, when clients seek a second opinion from any member of our firm it’s because they don’t feel heard by whomever is representing them now.
Catherine Hendrix is a partner at the Law Offices of Lester & Hendrix where they are committed to solving divorce and separation issues. Families throughout South Carolina can rely on their team of Attorneys for advice and counsel.
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