If you’d like to write for us, there are two ways you can contribute content to this website:
- You can become a Blogger; click here for more information.
- You can submit one or more Articles for possible publication in Divorce Magazine and/or this website. Please read our Guidelines (below), then email our editors (blogs at divorcemag dot com) stating the topic you’d like to cover. If you have already written the article, please attach it to your email to our editors. Include a short (40-50 word) bio and a link to your website (if any) at the end of your article.
Write for Us: Guidelines for Article Submissions
- Your article MUST be related to separation or divorce! See below for suggested topics.
NOTE: We only accept expert advice from actual experts! Unless you are (or have interviewed) a legal, financial, counseling, etc. divorce professional, steer clear of complex legal, financial, counseling, etc. divorce-related topics. - Your article should be about 1,200 words in length; minimum 600 words and maximum 2,500 words.
- In the event your article is published, you will receive attribution in the form of a “byline” and an “author credit”. You must include the name of the author (byline) at the beginning and a max. 50-word author credit at the end of the article.
- Remember that you are writing for divorcing individuals, so avoid jargon and legal or financial minutia. The content should be clear, easy to read, and ready for publishing.
- Your article cannot be an advertisement for your service or product.
- Your article should be original, and you must agree not to publish it anywhere else – with the exception of your own blog or website. If the article has already been posted on your own blog or website, please add a line to the end of your article stating where it originally appeared; e.g., “A version of this article originally appeared on www.My Blog.com”
- You may place one do-follow link to a relevant page on your website in the body of the article for every 500 words; you will also receive an author credit/relevant bio (max. 50 words) with a do-follow link to your website at the end of the article.
- We reserve the right to edit articles, author credit, and Profile pages for content, house style, length, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
- Once published, DivorceMag.com reserves the right to keep the content on the website indefinitely.
- You acknowledge and agree that you are not submitting content with the expectation of any payment/royalties.
- Articles intentionally promoting hatred based on gender, race, religion, etc. will not be accepted.
We encourage you to share the article on your social media after it has been published.
Book Excerpts
We accept relevant book excerpts that conform to the Guidelines, above.
Before you submit your excerpt, please:
- Read our Guidelines for Article Submissions (above).
- Attach a .jpg file of the cover to the email with the excerpt.
- Include a 50 to 60-word mini-review & author bio at the end of the excerpt with a URL to the author’s website or where it can be purchased (typically, Amazon).
Here are a few recent examples of how we treat book excerpts and credits::
“Letting Go of the Past to Embrace an Unknown Future“
“Moving On: Redesigning Your Social Life After Divorce“
“Breaking the Legacy of Divorce“
Benefits of Submitting Articles and Book Excerpts to DivorceMag.com
Although we do not pay for submissions, we will promote you and your article(s) through our social media pages, magazines, and a network of divorce-related websites, including:
- Divorce Magazine and DivorceMag.com (launched in 1996) – in 2021, our website boasted 3,341,267 visitors and 4,354,870 pageviews. The most popular article was read 175,000 times, so if you write an engaging article, you could reach tens of thousands of people going through separation and divorce!
- DivorcedMoms.com (launched in 2013)
- Our bi-monthly newsletter
- Family Lawyer Magazine and www.FamilyLawyerMagazine.com (launched in 2012)
- Twitter (17,000 followers) and Facebook (12,708 likes and 13,259 followers)
- Our ten unique Divorce Guides
- www.DivorcedMoms.com
Suggested Divorce-Related Topics for Your Article
Before choosing a topic for your blog post, ask yourself these two important questions:
- Am I an expert on this topic? If you are writing about splitting retirement accounts or tax issues, for example, you must be a family lawyer or divorce financial professional – or rely heavily on quotes from your interviews with family lawyers or divorce financial professionals. Writing about your own divorce experiences also qualifies you as an expert: no one knows more about your experience than you!
- Will this topic be helpful, entertaining – or both – to Divorce Magazine’s readership? For example, will you be providing expert advice, personal suggestions, tips, or steps to follow for people facing the challenges of separation or divorce? Is your perspective on this topic unique, thought-provoking, uplifting, or amusing (because our readers could use a good laugh)?
We’re looking for articles that will educate, inspire, and validate the experience of people at all stages of the divorce process – from considering divorce right through to years after the divorce is final – in these important areas:
- Coping with Divorce
- Children’s, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamily Issues
- Your Divorce Process: Pros and Cons
- Divorce Financial Issues
- Inspirational Stories and Advice
- Relationships and Dating after Divorce
- Emotional Issues
- Health and Well-Being
- Divorce Recovery
- Children’s, Individual, Parenting, or Couple’s Counseling
- Infidelity Issues
- Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Inspirational Advice/Stories
Articles on Children’s, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamily Issues
- Children’s Emotional Issues & Recovery
- Practical Issues
- Visitation and Scheduling
- Co-Parenting Agreements/Parenting Plans
- Parental Alienation
Your Divorce Process: Pros and Cons
- Alternative Dispute Resolution, including:
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Collaborative Divorce
- Litigation
- Adjusting to Your New Financial Reality
- Business Valuation
- Child Support and Spousal Support (aka “Alimony”)
- Debt and Divorce
- Property Division
- Splitting Pensions and Retirement Accounts
- Taxes and Divorce
Inspirational Stories and Advice
- How (and Why) to Have an Amicable Divorce
- Creating a Great Co-Parenting Relationship with Your Ex
- Your Divorce Recovery and Transformation
- Turning Your Divorce Lemon into Lemonade
Relationships and Dating After Divorce
- Dating after Divorce
- Divorce and Remarriage
- Creating Successful Step or Blended Families
If you have any questions about how (or what) to write for us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your interest in writing for us!
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