Brad Micklin, a family lawyer in Nutley NJ, answers
Alimony and Spousal Support
Do You Receive Alimony For A Percentage Of Years Married?
Is it true that you are automatically entitled to receive alimony for a percentage of the number of years you were married?
Will I Still Receive Spousal Support If I Remarry?
Most likely not. In most circumstances, remarriage automatically terminates the right to receive alimony. Additionally, if you are receiving alimony and remarry, you may be required to affirmatively advise your former spouse immediately. There have been some cases where the spouse receiving support failed to advise their former spouse of their remarriage and the courts […]
Can I Modify My Divorce Decree If I Need More Alimony?
Can I make modifications to my divorce decree? My circumstances have changed and I’m going to need more alimony.
How Do I Determine How Much Spousal Support I Need?
In New Jersey, there are a list of factors under the alimony statute N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23 that are used to determine the appropriate amount of alimony. The factors the court uses in its analysis are as follows: The actual need and ability of the parties to pay; The duration of the marriage or civil union; […]
Can I Receive Spousal Support Before The Divorce Is Final?
Can I receive spousal support before my divorce is final? Do I have to go to court to get it?
Will New Maintenance Guidelines Affect My Illinois Divorce?
Badesch Abramovitch, a family law firm in Chicago, answers: On January 1, 2015, a new law went into effect drastically changing how maintenance awards are calculated in Illinois. Prior to the enactment of this law, the judge would consider a list of factors without any specific guidelines. That system resulted in a wide variety of […]
How Will Changes To New Jersey Statute Affect Alimony?
I have heard that there have been major changes to the new NJ statute regarding alimony. How will those changes affect divorcing couples?
Cipora Winters, A New Jersey Divorce Lawyer on Alimony Law & Reform
Cipora Winters, a New Jersey divorce lawyer, explains how spousal support is calculated following the recent New Jersey alimony reform.
WATCH: How Spousal Support (Alimony) Works
This short video will help you understand how spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is supposed to work.
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