After nearly two-and-a-half years of consideration, the outdated alimony law in New Jersey may soon undergo a much-needed reform.
Alimony and Spousal Support
My ex-wife and our two kids have moved in with her boyfriend.
If you currently have a court order that requires the payment of support, either spousal or child support, then yes. You may not discontinue payment without the risk of a contempt action being filed by your ex-wife for the violation of the court order. In South Carolina child support is considered the obligation of both […]
How long can somebody expect to collect alimony if they are awarded it during their divorce?
How long can somebody expect to collect alimony? California has a law on the books that defines a marriage of less than ten years as a short-term marriage. By the laws in California, if there is going to be an award of spousal support in a short-term marriage, the presumption is that the duration of […]
In a case where one spouse is to pay spousal support or child support, can they be forced to get life insurance…
In a case where one spouse is to pay spousal support or child support, can they be forced to get life insurance to ensure that, if something happens to them, those payments would continue or there would be compensation for the other spouse?
John Harding, a California Family Law Attorney, on Asset Division, Child Custody, and Spousal Support
There are many highly emotional issues associated with divorce that may become matters of contention, especially when the parties are unaware of the advantages of finding a compromise. From determining child custody to the division of marital assets, it is important to be able to recognize the consequences and effects that your decisions may have […]
Podcast: Ken Bloch on New Insurance Protecting Future Disability
Ken Bloch, Financial Advisor and Founder of The Bloch Agency, talks about a new insurance product that reduces future financial stress for those in divorce.
Is it better to take more marital property, such as the house or IRA, instead of spousal support?
Karen A. Covy, J.D. is a divorce attorney and family law mediator in Chicago Illinois . She is the author of When Happily Ever After Ends, How to Survive Your Divorce Emotionally, Financially and Legally.
Does alimony still exist in New Jersey?
Yes, alimony exists in New Jersey. There are bills at the moment in front of the legislature to change alimony. It’s an alimony reform bill abolishing permanent alimony, which we have now in New Jersey, and making alimony more of a formulaic approach. Right now, again, we have statutes, which include the length of the […]
Does New Jersey still have alimony?
Joseph Cadicina, a family lawyer in Morristown, answers: There has been much discussion and attempts to modify the alimony statute in New Jersey. In fact, the New Jersey Legislature recently proposed bills in both houses: the assembly proposed Assembly Bill number A3909 and the senate proposed Senate Bill 82750. The proposed bills were intended to […]
My Husband Is Unemployed And Says He Can’t Pay Spousal Spousal Support
The Texas Family Code allows for the modification of a spousal maintenance order based on a showing of a material change of circumstances. Unemployment would in most cases qualify if no other source of disposable income is available. In order to have a reduction in spousal maintenance or child support the person would have to […]
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