Brian S. Loughmiller, a family lawyer in McKinney, answers: The Texas Family Code provides for spousal maintenance post-divorce under certain circumstances. The amount and duration of support is dictated by a number of factors, including length of marriage and income of the paying spouse. Spousal maintenance is calculated at 20% of the gross earnings of […]
Alimony and Spousal Support
Do I Owe Alimony And Child Support If My Wife Moved With Her Boyfriend?
Under the Texas Family Code if a person receiving alimony cohabitates with another person the court will terminate the alimony after a motion has been filed and a hearing held. Child support continues until the child is 18, graduates from highschool or is emancipated regardless of whether the person receiving child support is married or […]
Podcast: Amanda Figland & Shari Veisblatt on the Legal Aspects of Divorce
Amanda Figland & Shari Veisblatt, New Jersey Family Lawyers, discuss the aspects of your separation that may have an impact on the ruling of your divorce.
Podcast: Jon Feder & Tom Montoya on Child & Spousal Support in NM
Jon Feder & Tom Montoya, Two New Mexico Divorce Lawyers, explain why understanding the divorce process and its financial issues can better prepare you.
How Is Alimony Calculated In A Texas Divorce Case?
Alimony is calculated based on the lesser of 20 percent of gross income or $5,000.00. Brian Loughmiller is a partner at the McKinney, Texas law firm of Loughmiller Higgins. Serving family law clients throughout North Texas and the DFW Metroplex area, Brian and his partner, Eric Higgins, have 47 years of combined trial experience. One […]
New Jersey Spousal Support or Alimony FAQs
Does New Jersey have Alimony? Yes. Alimony or spousal support may be awarded to either spouse for their support after the divorce. Alimony payments are designed to help with financial obligations of the receiving spouse and to maintain a lifestyle similar to that enjoyed during the marriage. The lifestyle cannot remain exactly the same given […]
How is Alimony Calculated in the State of New Jersey?
How is Alimony Calculated in the State of New Jersey? New Jersey Statutes provide for payment of alimony, also known as spousal support or spousal maintenance, during the pendency of any action for divorce as well as upon final judgment of divorce. There are no guidelines or formulas to determine spousal support similar to the […]
What special information do I need to know about long-term spousal support?
Marie Moreno Myers, a family lawyer in Riverside, answers: Alimony, currently referred to as spousal support, may be awarded for a “reasonable” period of time under the California Family Code. For example, if you were married for less than ten years, reasonable is defined as half the length of marriage (if you were married for […]
I will be awarded alimony, how long can I expect to collect it for?
I will be awarded alimony, how long can I expect to collect it for? Being awarded alimony, otherwise known as spousal support in California, is based on a number of factors that are set forth in Family Code §4320. Some of those factors are the income of the spouses, the length of the marriage, the […]
Massachusetts Alimony Reform Alleviates Permanent Financial Strain
The Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act, effective as of March 2012, limits alimony awards to formula-based payments depending on the length of the marriage, ensures that second spouses income and assets are exempt from a redetermination of alimony payments, further allows for second jobs or overtime to be exempt from alimony modifications, limits the amount […]
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