“My divorce lawyer tells me I’m eligible for spousal support, but I feel so guilty about my affair that I’m not sure I want to take money from my husband. What should I do?” This is strictly a personal decision and one that should be governed not by your feelings but rather your sensibilities. Do […]
Alimony and Spousal Support
UK Court Mulls whether Bankruptcy Wipes Out Spousal Support
In a potentially precedent-setting case that is being closely watched by divorcing spouses, family lawyers, judiciary and legislators around the world, a British court is mulling over whether filing for bankruptcy can wipe out spousal support obligations. The case in question involves Alexander McRoberts, a company director who separated from his ex-wife in 2003. At […]
My ex-wife and our two kids have moved in with her boyfriend. Do I still have to pay
“My ex-wife and our two kids have moved in with her boyfriend. Do I still have to pay alimony and child support?” You may be entitled to relief on alimony, but not on child support. Alimony is based on your ex-wife’s need for support from you. If she no longer has a need, you may […]
Podcast: Bari Weinberger on the 5 Critical Risks of Divorce – Part 2
Bari Weinberger, a New Jersey Family Lawyer, discusses alimony, child custody, support payment calculations and property division.
Proposed Changes to Florida’s Alimony Law Highlighted
Discover the proposed changes that are being made to Florida’s alimony law, which will re-examine the length that one can receive alimony payments and how it is calculated and rewarded.
New Jersey Debates End to Lifetime Alimony
Read how the state of New Jersey realizes some of its divorce laws are unfair, especially one where a spouse may still be required to make alimony payments while in retirement, and regardless of changes in income and other life events such as death.
Can I terminate permanent spousal support?
Spousal support, by operation of law, is terminated by either death or remarriage. There is another option, however, and that is to request a post-judgement order to show cause of why payment should cease.
Supreme Court of Canada Rules on Landmark Spousal Support Case
Read how a new ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada states that changing a spousal support payments will be made very difficult to those who had originally agreed on the matters.
New York State Courts Recommended Spousal Support Changes
Read how the changes made to Spousal Support involves a mathematical formula which will calculate the temporary spousal maintenance based on the spouses’ income.
I’m about to remarry, will my ex still need to pay alimony payments?
Your remarriage will result in an end to your receiving alimony from your spouse, and the only time this isn’t true is in divorce judgments.
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