Be free from divorce settlement costs by declaring yourself in bankruptcy. Read about the factors that might grant you this possibility, and get informed about equalization, how it works and how it could affect you.
Bankruptcy and Divorce
Will Debt Be a Factor in Your Divorce?
Often people think that only low-income families have debt issues,; in fact, many high-income-earning couples accrue significant debt as well.
Overspending May Wind Up Costing You More than You Think
Many people can fall into the habit of overspending when they have difficulty budgeting, understanding necessary expenses, and finding bargains–but the price may be higher than you think.
Helping Your Client Deal with Debt in Divorce
This article will review the law applicable to debts and their division in divorce and give practical ideas for helping clients address their debt issues.
I’m thinking of filing for bankruptcy. Would there be negative repercussions?
There are severe consequences when one files for bankruptcy, and you should know what they are before taking that route to escape debt.
What happens to our debts when we divorce? We live in Ontario.
When you separate or divorce, the debts that you hold in your own name continue to be your responsibility. The debts that your spouse owns in his or her own name continue to be their responsibility. Debts that you hold jointly — that is, both of you owe money to the creditor –– continue to […]
Can my former spouse file for bankruptcy to avoid paying child support?
Can your spouse file bankruptcy to avoid paying child support? Your spouse’s debts will be relieved, but not their obligations to pay child support or alimony. Click to read more.
How should we deal with our marital debt? We owe more than we own.
Marital debt may be the cause of divorce, or a factor that’s delaying it. Find out how to work alongside your spouse to deal with this financial issue and move on with your lives.
Keeping Your Head above Water after Divorce
How to make it through your divorce without going broke.
What happens to our joint debts when we divorce?
Many divorcing individuals believe that if they can get their joint debts assigned to their spouse in the divorce decree, they no longer have to worry about them. That’s not the case!
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