In New Jersey, both parties would be required to attend a parent education class, which will explain custody as well as parenting mediation, at the courthouses. If the mediation is not successful, a custody expert is often obtained. Alison C. Leslie, Esq. practices family law exclusively in her Morristown, NJ offices, where she offers her […]
Child Custody
Podcast: Texas Family Lawyers on Divorce Preparation and More
Texas family lawyers Brian Loughmiller & Eric Higgins, explain why it is beneficial to understand the different stages of the divorce process.
Regarding child custody, what is the difference between joint legal custody and joint physical custody?
Joint Legal Custody vs. Joint Physical Custody People going through divorce often say that they want joint custody of their child without understanding the difference between joint legal custody and joint physical custody. Joint legal custody is the right to make decisions with regards to the care of your child, such as educational, medical, and […]
Podcast: Alison Leslie Speaks Out On New Jersey Divorce Law
Alison Leslie, a New Jersey family lawyer explains the concept of no-fault divorce and the issues related to child custody, child support, and more.
Podcast: Gene Colman on Child-Related Issues & Spousal Support in TO
Gene Colman, a Toronto Divorce Lawyer, discusses child support and spousal support agreements and how each will affect your financial stability in Ontario.
My wife wants to move our kids from Toronto to Vancouver. Can I stop her?
The answer depends on whether there’s a separation agreement between the parties in place. If the parties have separated and there’s a separation agreement that provides that one party must take certain steps before trying to move or relocate with the children, those steps have to be followed. Even so, however, that doesn’t mean that […]
Is there any legal reason why fathers should not be awarded custody of their children…
Is there any legal reason why fathers should not be awarded custody of their children just as often as mothers? Custody of children is one of the most difficult issues facing litigants and attorneys. In New Jersey, there are statutory factors that are applied by a court in order to determine an appropriate award of […]
What happens if I want to move and take my children to another state…
What happens if I want to move and take my children to another state – can my ex-spouse prevent me from doing so? In New Jersey, we have what’s known as a removal procedure. You cannot move your children out of the state without the consent of the other spouse or a court order. In order […]
How does a court decide whether sole or joint custody is best for a given family?
The best interest of the child is the standard for custody determination under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (MDMA) and the Parentage Act. The emphasis in a custody determination is not on which parent is better, but on the child’s best interests considering all relevant factors, including but not limited to: The […]
I want custody of our kids and cannot bear the thought of moving them out of the house.
I want custody of our kids and cannot bear the thought of moving them out of the house. If I get custody, will I get to keep the house? This is one of the most common questions heading into a divorce. There are many factors that go into formulating an answer, such as the total […]
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