Allowing your children to be a part of the decision that will affect their interactions with both parents is a great way of keeping their best interests intact.
Child Custody
Can I still collect child support even if my former spouse lives in a …
Learn what petition you need to file to ensure that your spouse continues making their child support payments from a different state. Click to read.
My partner and I have two children but were never married. How are custody …
The Ontario Child Support Guidelines are the same regardless of the marital status of both parents.
Who has to pay child support?
As long as both parents are able to earn a living they will be required to pay whatever child support the court determines is reasonable. Click to read.
Could you please explain what double-dipping is and how it might affect me?
“I’m a business owner going through a divorce and I’ve been told that I need to be concerned about ‘double dipping’. Could you please explain what this is and how it might affect me?”
My spouse says terrible things about me to our children. What can I do?
Find out how to deal with a spouse who talks you down to your children, making you out to be the villain in your divorce.
How do the courts in California determine custody and visitation?
Elizabeth Fields and Kathryne Clark explain how the court will try their best to give your children constant contact with both parents, but their needs will change throughout their upbringing.
How do we arrive at the right parenting plan for our children?
There are as many parenting plans as there are parents. It is a very family orientated issue, and each family is different. Basically divorcing couples have three options as to how to arrive at a parenting plan for their children.
How does the court determine custody?
The court always keeps the best interests of you children in mind when deciding which parent will be their primary caregiver.
My wife is going for sole custody of our two children.
There have been a number of child custody cases that have been determined by the condition of “attachment” a child has to one or both parents.
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