A parent addicted to opioids often neglects even the most basic needs of their children. Sometimes tough love is required to remove children from their drug-addicted parents and place them in the custody of a relative with a safe and secure home.
Child Custody
Do You Love Your Children More Than You Hate Your Ex?
Children need both parents after a divorce. Loving your children enough to foster a strong relationship with their other parent can be hard; here are 7 tips to prevent your children from becoming casualties of your bitter custody battle.
6 Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents
For divorced and separated families, the upcoming holidays can be filled with dread instead of joy. Follow these holiday survival tips to make things easier – for you as well as your children.
Podcast: Child Custody Gender Bias in the Family Court System
Many fathers believe there’s a gender bias when it comes to child custody. If it’s true, how can fathers protect their bond with their kids after divorce?
3 Negative Effects Divorce Can Have on Children
Consider these potential negative effects divorce can have on children – as well as any benefits there might be for your kids – before deciding whether to pursue a divorce at this time.
Podcast: John K. Grubb on Custody & Jurisdiction in International Divorce
Family lawyer John K. Grubb discusses options and rights of divorced parents who live in different countries in this weeks podcast.
4 Considerations for Holiday Child Custody Arrangements
Here are four items parents should prepare for to ensure that peace and harmony prevail and that the Yuletide season be as calm as possible.
Colorado Child Relocation Law
When faced with a relocation case, the Colorado court is required to consider numerous factors in deciding whether children should be allowed to relocate with the parent who intends to move.
How can a parent increase their chances of being allocated the majority of the parenting time and decision making in a dissoluti
The best way a parent can increase his or her chances of being allocated the majority of parenting and decisions making is to make decisions that are based upon the best interest of the child or children in their family. Oftentimes parents can become so immersed in regards to what their needs are in dissolution […]
WATCH: How can a parent increase his or her chances of being awarded primary parenting rights in the state of Illinois?
Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
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