If you share custody of a child and you wish to relocate out of state or more than 50 miles away from the child’s other parent, you must consider several things before making your move.
Child Custody
7 Tips for Co-Parenting Without Losing Your Sanity
If you’re struggling to co-parent with a former partner you can’t stand, life can be exhausting. These tips for co-parenting can help make it a little easier.
What can a parent who has lost custody or unsupervised visitation following a child abuse investigation do to work towards…
Those are where the just miracle stories happen. There are instances of parents that have had no relationship with children do all sorts of things to improve their life, to get clean and sober, to take their anger management classes, to take their parenting classes, to go to counseling with their children, and they’ve had […]
If a third party has custody, can the child’s grandparents be sued for child support if they have been supporting…
If the grandparents have been making these decisions to voluntarily provide money to their children and grandchildren, they are not legally obligated to do that – that’s their own choice. Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, […]
What should a divorcing parent do if Family Services is investigating him or her for neglect or endangerment due to substance…
They should not be talking to Family Services. I don’t know that law enforcement would be as involved in the situation like that. An attorney getting involved in that case would be warning the client, if these allegations are true, to get going on getting into treatment right away. The attorney would try to make […]
What should a separated or divorced parent do if Family Services is investigating him or her for an allegation of physically…
First of all, they should get a lawyer. Family Services investigations can have criminal investigation consequences, too. Sometimes law enforcement is investigating at the same time. Even if an attorney was contacted to assist in the case, they might be also contacting a criminal lawyer to help the client because they’re concerned about criminal charges. […]
What Are the Grandparents’ Rights When Their Children Divorce?
Divorce is often viewed as a means of ending a relationship between two spouses, but the truth is this: its effects typically reach far beyond the immediate family.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Divorce: What Does It Mean?
After a 12-year romance, actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting divorced – putting an end to Brangelina. We will discuss what this means and what the realities are in our contemporary divorce arena.
If a child is living by choice with a parent full-time but the court granted equal parenting rights and responsibilities…
If a child is living by choice with a parent full-time but the court granted equal parenting rights and responsibilities and time to both parents, should the de facto full-time parent apply to change the agreement to reflect this reality?
Establishing Paternity: Biology’s Role in Child Custody and Support
As unmarried parents, establishing paternity is an important step to take before child custody and support can be determined.
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