Here are several important issues you should think about as you design your parenting plan.
Child Custody
Denise Ready, New Mexico Divorce Lawyer On Child Custody Issues
New Mexico family lawyer Denise Ready discusses spousal support, child support, and child custody issues relating to divorce.
Podcast: Divorce Lawyer Virginia Dugan On Child Custody & Visitation
New Mexico divorce lawyer explains how the law will affect child custody and visitation arrangements when parents divorce.
Will We Have To Wait To Resolve Our Child Custody Issues?
Brad Micklin, a family lawyer in Nutley, answers: No, you do not have to wait to resolve your child custody issues. Parents who are going through divorce proceedings may agree to a parenting plan addressing the issues of the care, custody, maintenance, and education of children. Courts will accept the plan agreed upon by the […]
How Does A Joint Custody Agreement Work In New Jersey?
How does a joint custody agreement usually work? Is there a difference between joint legal custody and joint physical custody, or are they the same thing?
My Ex Has Visitation, But I Want To Move To Another State
My ex-spouse exercises visitation with my kids, but I want to move with them to another state. Can I go?
How Does The Court Decide Who Gets Primary Parenting Rights?
How does the Court decide who gets primary parenting rights if both parents want it? What factors do the courts consider in granting custody?
What Is Legal Custody Versus Physical Custody?
Child custody agreements in Oklahoma involve both the legal and physical custody of the children involved in a divorce or separation. The parent awarded legal custody has the right and responsibility of making the major decisions that will affect the child’s life – including health-care, education, travel, childcare, religion, and any other decisions that affect […]
What Does Joint Custody Entail In An Oklahoma Divorce?
In Oklahoma, joint custody is where the decisions for the minor children are resolved jointly and by agreement. The parties are required to develop a plan as to how the parents are going to work together to make important decisions, provide for the timeshare of the minor children, and the financial support of their children. […]
What Does Sole Custody Mean? When Will A Judge Order It?
Sole custody is one of many ways utilized by the courts of Oklahoma to resolve the issue of custodial decision-making when there are minor children. Placing custody with one parent means that parent makes all of the decisions regarding the minor children, such as school, residence, medical care, extracurricular activities, etc. However, the determination as […]
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