Roderick C. Moe, a Certified Public Accountant in Lake Worth, answers: This is a great question, and one that’s often overlooked. The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no. It’s important to pinpoint exactly what it will cost to maintain the home, factoring in taxes and inflation. The next step is to analyze if there […]
Child Custody
Waiting Until The Divorce Is Final To Resolve Custody Issues
Bari Zell-Weinberger, a family lawyer in Parsippany, answers: In New Jersey, it is considered in a child’s best interest to spend time and have contact with both parents whenever possible and appropriate. A temporary custody plan can be put in place as soon as a couple decides to separate and it can remain in place […]
Michigan Judge Sends Children To Juvenile Detention For Violating Parenting Order
Judge Lisa Gorcyca has ordered three children to juvenile detention for refusing to maintain a “healthy relationship” with their father, calling the case one of the worst examples of parental alienation she has ever witnessed.
Relocation and Co-Parenting After Divorce
Is it possible to create a parenting plan that accommodates parental relocation AND maintains the same proportion of responsibility exercised by each parent?
Amy Harris on Visitation, Relocation, and Child Custody in New Jersey
New Jersey divorce lawyer Amy Harris explains how a judge will decide child custody in New Jersey, grandparents’ rights, and visitation in your divorce.
Surviving Father’s Day After Separation or Divorce: 7 Tips
Don’t let Father’s Day after separation or divorce get you down. Whether or not your kids will be with you this year, here are tips for how to enjoy the day.
Mark R. Baril On Child Custody, Child Support & Spousal Support in AB
Family lawyer Mark R. Baril talks about common issues relating to child custody, child support and spousal support after divorce in Alberta.
Kurt Schlachter, Alberta Divorce Lawyer On Separation And Child Custody
Kurt Schlachter, Alberta divorce lawyer, discusses common questions and implications surrounding divorce, separation and child custody.
10 Tips for a Truce on Your Child’s Graduation Day
If your child will be graduating from high-school or college this spring, and you and your ex can’t be in a room together without starting WW3, you both owe it to your child to suspend any lingering divorce hostilities before, during, and after the ceremony.
Is There Any Legal Reason Fathers Shouldn’t Be Awarded Child Custody?
There seems to be a growing trend in the area of custody. For years, it used to be the mother of the child(ren) would more often be the primary residential parent. This was especially true with young children. Today, there is a growing trend for parents to share residential custody 50/50 and for more fathers […]
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