The earlier you start, the greater the benefit. Depending on your state, there are some very worthwhile Pre-Paid College Plans that include tuition, dorm and fees. The price for a 4-year FL Pre-Paid Tuition Plan is about $17,000, but the cost today for 4 years of tuition is $26,000, assuming no increases. The benefit (average […]
Child Support
How is child support determined in the state of New Jersey?
How is child support determined in the state of New Jersey? New Jersey, like most States, has guidelines for determining the amount of support that should be provided for a child. The guidelines generally allocate a percentage of annual income in relation to the number of children. It is not uncommon for parents to agree […]
Can my child support payment be changed?
Can the amount of my child support payment be changed after our divorce is complete?
How do I mediate support for my special needs child
How do I mediate support for my child with special needs? “A quarter of U.S. households have a member with special needs. More than 8% of kids under 15 have a disability, and half of those are deemed severe.” If you have a child with special needs you should give that information to your mediator […]
Once a court issues a child support order, under what circumstances can the
Once a court issues a child support order, under what circumstances can the order be modified?
Podcast: Judith Charny on Divorce & Child Custody Laws in New Jersey
South Jersey Family Lawyer Judith Charny discusses the impact of the legal system on divorce issues to help you prepare for the outcome of your divorce.
Can I force my spouse to get life insurance because he pays child support?
My spouse is to pay me spousal and child support and I’m wondering if I can force him to get life insurance or disability insurance just in case something happens to him?
How will I have enough money to survive life after divorce?
Janet Porro, a family lawyer in Pequannock, answers: Support is an important aspect of any matter involving a marriage, partnership or a couple who has had a child together. Child Support Guidelines exist in New Jersey and New York which assist individuals in arriving at a support figure anticipated to cover certain costs as to […]
Podcast: Asset Division, Child and Spousal Support in Pennsylvania
David Ladov & Robert Whitelaw, two Pennsylvania family lawyers discuss asset division as well as child and spousal support in Pennsylvania.
After our divorce is over, can child support and custody be modified?
Can child support and custody or the parenting schedule be changed after our divorce is completed?
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