In recent years, the general public and legal community have become much more sensitive to the issues of children’s involvement in the legal system in the areas of divorce, custody, visitation, support, and paternity. All states have statutes that provide for appointment of a guardian or attorney for the child. Illinois is one of three […]
Child Support
WATCH: How is child support determined?
Child support is now determined by reference to the federal child-support guidelines. Since 1997, we have had tables provided under that legislation that prescribes what child support should be, based upon the income of the paying party, and there are tables for one child, two children, etc. There is a second pronged child support, and […]
Can I make modifications to my Divorce Decree in Illinois?
“Can I make modifications to my Divorce Decree? My circumstances have changed, and I’m going to need more support.”
What financial support can I count on for my children?
If you are the custodial parent then you can rely on the fact that the judge will likely award you some form of child support. Read more!
Are Alimony and Child Support payments taxable in IL?
Learn about the tax consequences child support and spousal support may carry, and how taxes work in both situations.
My husband is unemployed and says he can’t pay the child and/or spousal…….
Your ex’s current financial state will factor in strongly when determining the amount of the the child support payments in your divorce settlement.
When does child support end?
Find out when Illinois child support payment obligations normally end and learn about a special exception that could have you paying child support indefinitely.
Once a court issues a child support order, under what circumstances can the orde
Once a court issues a child support order, under what circumstances can the order be modified?
We never discussed who was to pay for our children’s schooling during our divorce but now that my son is about to go to universi
Florida guidelines dictating child support will end up determining who is expected to pay for the child’s post-secondary education.
“What are some of the common visitation arrangements for children?”
How fit you are as a parent will have a large impact on how frequently you have access to your children.
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