However your divorce judgment works out, both types of support will have an effect on your taxes in one way or another.
Child Support
How is the support to be paid for the children determined?
Ontario has Child Support Guidelines which dictate how much a parent will pay to the other parent who has primary custody.
Now that I am separated, I would like to raise my child in a different religion.
Very often, custody is disputed because parents cannot agree on the choice of religion for the child. Under current Illinois custody law, the parent who receives sole custody also controls the child’s religion. When the issue of religion is addressed, most custody judgments state something like the following: “The child will be raised in the […]
What are my (or the other person’s) child support obligations in Georgia?
Learn more about which parent is required to pay child support, and the various ways payment of that support can come to an end.
Can I still collect child support even if my former spouse lives in a different.
All states in the US have passed an act allowing for the interstate collection of child support.
My ex-wife and our kids have moved in with her boyfriend. Do I still have to pay alimony and child support?
Texas family law attorney Carol Griffin explains whether you still have to pay alimony and child support if your ex-spouse and your children moves in with her new boyfriend.
What are the major factors used in calculating child support? We have two childr
The child’s age and needs as well as their parents’ ability to care for them are just a few factors used to determine child support.
If I divorce, will my children be able to afford to go to college or university?
Chicago family law attorney Jay Frank answers: Surprisingly, children of divorced parents may have a better chance of being able to afford to go to college than those with parents who are not divorced. Under the Divorce Act, the court can require parents to contribute to a college fund for their children. But if the […]
My ex-wife and her two kids moved in with her boyfriend. Do I still have to pay?
If your ex takes your children to live with another man this could affect her income and the child and spousal support you are currently paying her. Even if her and her boyfriend do not marry there are steps you can take to altering your current payment o
What if my spouse doesn’t pay child support he or she has been ordered to pay?
You need child support payments to be made to keep your household running smootly, and following one or more of these 6 remedies should get your spouse back to paying that which is owed you.
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