It’s common for divorced parents to assume that their children will receive an inheritance if their ex-partner were to pass away, but that can be a dangerous assumption.
Child Support
Owe Child Support? How to Avoid Losing Your Driver’s License
Depending on the state, a person can lose more than just a driver’s license. For example, in New York, a person could lose other types of licenses, such as a business license, a professional license, and recreational licenses, such as those for hunting or fishing.
Divorce & the Next Generation: Everything The Next Gen Needs to Know
When people think about divorce and the next generation, finances and family wealth are often the last two things on their minds. In fact, discussing finances can be a taboo subject.
Podcast: Child Support and Parenting Time & Custody in Illinois
Issues regarding children are always sensitive. Family lawyer Dheanna Fikaris answers common questions about Illinois child support & parenting time.
WATCH: If a child support recipient withholds visitation can the payor stop paying?
Erin Durnell answers: Child support and parenting time are not mutually exclusive. In other words, if a parent with an obligation to pay child support fails to do so, the other parent may not withhold parenting time. Likewise, if a parent is entitled to parenting time but is not permitted to see the child, the […]
5 Ways Substance Abuse Can Affect Your Divorce
If you’re divorcing someone with an addiction, it can have an impact on your divorce. See the five ways below.
12 Things You Should Know about Failing to Pay Child Support in Texas
In this article, we get down to basics and highlight things parents should know about failing to pay child support in Texas. It’s motivation to keep paying!
3 Negative Effects Divorce Can Have on Children
Consider these potential negative effects divorce can have on children – as well as any benefits there might be for your kids – before deciding whether to pursue a divorce at this time.
Podcast: Diana Shepherd on How Child Support Works
This podcast offers a general overview of how child support is supposed to work, including the factors influencing the amount and duration of child support.
If a third party has custody, can the child’s grandparents be sued for child support if they have been supporting…
If the grandparents have been making these decisions to voluntarily provide money to their children and grandchildren, they are not legally obligated to do that – that’s their own choice. Laura Schantz, a Beaverton divorce and family lawyer and mediator has helped clients find creative solutions to complex financial matters involving asset division, spousal support, […]
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