Couples considering separation can look into alternative dispute resolution methods to avoid all the complications that can happen by taking a divorce to court.
Collaborative Law
WATCH: Is collaborative practice more or less expensive than litigation or mediation?
Generally speaking, collaborative law can be less expensive than mediation and should be much less expensive than litigation.
WATCH: How does collaborative divorce work?
Collaborative divorce is a process where both parties commit to working with a jointly chosen team of professionals to settle their case out of court.
WATCH: How does collaborative law differ from divorce mediation?
A collaborative law divorce is different than mediation in that the collaborative process, the dispute is resolved without litigation pending, such as a complaint for divorce. The way to think of a collaborative divorce is as a team effort. The parties and their counsel meet and discuss the case. When an expert is needed, […]
WATCH: What makes a couple an ideal for mediation versus collaborative law?
I think most couples are ideal for both mediation and collaborative law. The difference is when you’re in mediation a complaint’s been filed and you are in litigation. You have the deadlines of the court hanging over you. In the collaborative law process you can work within your own pace and therefore you don’t have […]
WATCH: What is Collaborative Law in the state of Texas?
WATCH: In collaborative law, do the attorneys function as coaches helping the two divorcing spouses?
What is the difference between collaborative practice and traditional litigated divorce?
What is collaborative divorce?
Sometimes collaborative divorce gets used as a general nickname for divorcing parties coming together to settle out of court, but it’s actually a very specific method of our alternative dispute resolution. Collaborative divorce helps couples move through conflicts in a constructive and problem-solving approach. Attorneys specially trained in collaborative divorce guide clients in amicably negotiating […]
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