Collaborative divorce focuses on achieving a mutual resolution, and may have slight differences depending on where you live in North America.
Collaborative Law
How do we know if we are good candidates for Collaborative Divorce?
Couples who are committed to ending their marriage on good terms will benefit from collaborative divorce, which values teamwork and a system where both spouses work alongside skilled divorce professionals.
How is a Collaborative Divorce settlement different from a regular settlement?
Although most divorce cases settle out of court, the ones that use the collaborative divorce process are built by you and your lawyers to ease your transition into your post-divorce life.
My wife and I have agreed to divorce via the collaborative process
If your spouse’s lawyer is being disagreeable then they may not understand how the collaborative process is supposed to work, which may in turn lead to the two of you not being able to pursue this method of divorce.
What are some of the advantages of Collaborative Divorce?
The most obvious benefit of a Collaborative Divorce is the reduction in stress and emotional trauma. It’s an alternative to the traditional, adversarial method of resolving divorce in which two sides fight each other in court. Instead of trying to demolish each other through character attacks and public humiliation, both sides in Collaborative Divorce work […]
What role does the financial advisor play in the Collaborative Divorce model?
By gathering financial information and projecting what your finances will look like in the future, a neutral financial advisor can be an enormous asset to your collaborative divorce.
My husband says we’ll save a lot of money using the collaborative approach. Is this true?
The collaborative law process can cut down on legal fees due to it being shorter and more to the point. There is a single focus, which is to find a resolution you both agree on.
“My husband says we’ll share a lawyer. Is that how collaborative law works?”
While collaborative family law prioritizes working together it is not a process where you and your spouse are able to share a lawyer.
How does collaborative law differ from mediation or litigation?
Collaborative divorce goes a step further than even mediation by putting so much emphasis on cooperation that the lawyers must resign if their clients choose litigation.
What happens if the collaborative model doesn’t work?
In collaborative family law, both parties retain a specially trained collaborative divorce lawyer. As you may or may not know, both lawyers must disqualify themselves if a case breaks down and either party wishes to go to litigation.
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