In a “malignant divorce,” a couple engages in hostile confrontation instead of legal negotiation in an attempt to resolve issues such as child custody, dividing marital assets and so forth. As a result of the hostility, there is damage done to not only themselves but their children also.
Coping with Divorce
Love is Love, But is Divorce Different for the LGBTQ Community?
Divorce can get messy and mean and sometimes that cruelty can lead to parentage being questioned or litigated.
5 Things to Consider Before Filing for a New Year’s Divorce
Ask yourself these questions before running to the courthouse and filing for your Happy New Year divorce.
Planning a New Year’s Divorce?
In my experience, the busiest time for filing new divorce cases is right after the holidays. Generally, unhappy spouses will try to salvage one more holiday season before they begin the new year by filing for divorce.
Managing a Highly Contested Divorce
A highly contested divorce requires time, patience, and perspective. Find a reputable lawyer to get educated on the process of divorce, especially if they are highly contentious, to work toward the best possible outcomes for you and your family’s future.
10 Reasons I Found Divorce Freeing
The possibilities are truly endless and in your control. To find divorce freeing, however, you need a strategy; a financial divorce expert, a divorce coach or therapist, and a support group can be keys to a brighter future.
Here are 5 Ways to Deal With Divorced Parent Guilt During the Holidays
Dealing with divorced parent guilt can be extremely difficult during the holidays. Often, divorced parents wonder if they’re doing enough to make the holiday season special for their children. Here are a few tips newly divorced parents can follow to have a great holiday season with their kids.
5 Financial Risks Women Face During and After a Divorce
Divorce can have a greater financial impact on women. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes harder for women to afford a divorce and get back on their feet once it has been finalized. Read more to find out why.
Thanksgiving Without The Kids? A Few Tips To Keep You From Going Crazy
You may not have your kids this Thanksgiving but you can be thankful you’re not sitting across the table from a turkey!
How to Live Alone After Divorce and Not Be Lonely
While there is no doubt that this will be a tough time, you must continue to take care of yourself mentally and physically, so you face every new day with a refreshed mindset.
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