Divorce impacts many aspects of your life, from your emotions to your finances. It can take a toll on not only your expendable income but also your credit and other assets. Use these five tips to improve your finances quickly after your divorce.
Debt and Divorce
3 Helpful Tips for Coping with Financial Changes During Divorce
Taking care of your finances ahead of time allows you to gain some control over your monetary situation post-divorce, but no one can predict what happens after a breakup. If you’re unsure of where to turn, try some of these helpful tips for coping with financial changes during divorce.
What Happens to Debt When You Get Divorced?
A highly debatable aspect of any divorce is the debt that was a joint endeavor between you and your spouse. One must not assume the divorce means splitting the debt according to your liking.
Important Questions to Ask About Student Loans After Divorce
Whether it’s you or your spouse who has the loan, make sure you consider the following questions so that you are prepared to deal with legal matters efficiently.
Have You Considered the Basic Costs of Getting a Divorce?
Careful consideration of your financial condition can give you a new perspective in a divorce and can even help you identify the anticipated basic divorce costs you will be taking on in the divorce proceedings.
Should You File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Before Or After Divorce?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be one of the best options for individuals or divorcing couples who find themselves in a troubling financial situation, but there are several factors that need to be considered when deciding whether to declare bankruptcy before or after divorce.
How Divorce Can Affect Your Credit Score
Divorce can affect every part of your life and the lives of your family. Finances are no exception. When you decide to get divorced, it’s important to prepare for the effects it will have on your credit score.
What Happens When a Couple “Commingles” Funds During Marriage?
These are a few examples of how funds become commingled during marriage. The more money you have, the more property you buy, the more likely you are to commingle funds.
How to Survive Financially in the First Year of Your Divorce
It can be difficult figuring out how to survive financially after divorce. Take control of your finances by using the following tips.
What if You were Married to Paul Manafort?
How does the Ontario Family Law Act protect people from debts incurred though crime during a divorce? Read on to find out.
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