4 things to do to avoid having liabilities for debts your ex does not pay after your divorce is finalized. Regardless of what your divorce decree say, unless you take action, you may be held responsbile.
Debt, Credit, Bankruptcy
When should we separate our joint bank and credit-card accounts?
My husband and I have decided to divorce after 20 years of marriage, and I’m wondering about our joint finances. When should we separate our joint bank and credit-card accounts? Should I apply for my own credit card? And if one of us were to run up large balances on the joint credit cards, would both of us be responsible for paying them?
If your ex fails to pay debts, can creditors come after you?
Almost all debts accrued during your marriage are community-property debts, and this means that your spouse refusing to pay one could result in a creditor at your door.
If my ex declares bankruptcy, am I liable for his debts?
Find out if you could be in danger of being held liable for your spouse’s debts and your ex declaring bankruptcy. Click to read more about this very interesting topic.
If your ex-spouse fails to pay for his/her debts, can his/her creditors come after you?
Generally, if the debts were acquired jointly, even if the divorce decree requires him or her to pay them, the creditors are not bound by the decree.
How should we deal with our marital debt? We owe more than we own in New Jersey.
If you earn more than your spouse you may be end up with paying off slightly more of the marital debt than they are.In New Jersey, the Equitable Distribution Criteria describe the factors that must be considered by a court, each party, and their attorneys.
How should we deal with our marital debt in New Jersey?
“How should we deal with our marital debt? We owe more than we own, and I don’t want to end up holding the bag because I earn more than my spouse.” Just because one party to a divorce earns more than the other doesn’t necessarily mean that that party will be held responsible for more […]
In Debt? Getting Your Finances Back on Track
Facing your financial difficulties is important. Exploring and understanding your financial options allows you to begin to take control of your finances and get your life back on track.
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