If you are considering divorcing a spouse in prison, consult with a trusted family law attorney. Professional legal advice can be key to achieving your best results.
Divorce and Annulment
How a Private Investigator can Help your Divorce Case
Hiring a private detective agency is one of the ways of reducing the strain and chaos that comes with a divorce, perhaps due to the fact that both parties can enter the proceeding with more accurate and verified details.
Why You Shouldn’t Sign a Separation Agreement Without Reading it First
Ending a marriage is a difficult choice, and the first in a long list of decisions a couple must make once they begin the process of legal separation.
Divorce: Avoiding a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit With Your Ex
In divorce terms term, ‘no deal’ means going to court to have your finances determined for you by a judge. It means giving up the right to decide your own future and having a deal imposed upon you that may not fit your family circumstances.
What You Need to Know About Property Division During Divorce
There are many factors in determining and distributing property during a divorce. The first thing the court considers in any divorce situation with minor children is whether its decisions are the best for the children.
How to Stay Safe From Scams When Dating Online After Divorce
Thousands have used online dating to find love again after a difficult divorce, do not let a small number of bad apples ruin the bunch. Online dating can be fun and liberating but just like anything exciting, be sure to stay safe.
7 Effective Steps Back to Yourself After Divorce
There is no one-size-fits-all guide on how to get through a divorce emotionally. But this guide can help you find the confidence you need to pick up the broken pieces.
Woman Vs Man: How it Complicates Marriage and Divorce
One of the most interesting scientific reasons for marital discord has to do with hormonal differences existing between a man and a woman. You may have heard of Estrogen, higher in females, and Estrogen hormones in males.
Should I Get Divorced?
Research and experience have a lot to tell us that may help answer the question, “should I get divorced?”
Owe Child Support? How to Avoid Losing Your Driver’s License
Depending on the state, a person can lose more than just a driver’s license. For example, in New York, a person could lose other types of licenses, such as a business license, a professional license, and recreational licenses, such as those for hunting or fishing.
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