Make sure you have enough evidence to prove a domestic violence claim that you are going to make. Once you are ready, file the Property Settlement Application.
Divorce and Annulment
Divorcing Moms: How to Make the Process Easier on Your Children
Getting a divorce can be emotionally devastating, and having children to deal with makes it infinitely harder.
Using Your Android Phone to Spy on a Cheating Spouse
This app is not just for the spouses who suspect their spouse of cheating. Parents and employers can also use this to keep tabs on the cell phone use of children and employees.
Infidelity and Divorce: In Divorce Court, Infidelity Doesn’t Matter
Infidelity and divorce are two hotly debated topics in divorce court. Is it time to abandon the idea that infidelity really matters in divorce settlements?
Helping Kids Cope with Separation and Divorce
Work together as parents, don’t play the blame game, and do your best to create a new situation that your kids can thrive in.
6 Crucial Legal and Financial Steps for Women Preparing for Divorce
The following steps are of the utmost importance in terms of ensuring a smooth transition out of your failed marriage if you are a woman.
5 Common Divorce Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid
When negotiating a divorce agreement, it’s best for couples to put their children’s wellbeing above their own deliberately.
9 Divorce Pitfalls to Avoid
Thе mоrе рrераrаtіоnѕ уоu mаkе bеfоrе fіllіng, thе mоrе рrераrеd уоu аrе when gеttіng a dіvоrсе.
5 Crucial Things to Consider When Filing for a Divorce
There are many things to think about when considering or filing for divorce; here are the 5 most important items to discuss with your attorney.
Co-Parenting MythBusters: Divorce Plus Fear-Based Decision Making
When one co-parent makes physical, financial, or legal threats, the other co-parent often responds by making fear-induced, poor, and sometimes irrational decisions.
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