Divorce sucks (I’ll just say it) but that does not mean it has to ruin you financially, destroy any chance of co-parenting in the future or, most importantly, have a negative effect on any child involved.
Divorce and Annulment
The “Gray Divorce”: Why Decades of Marriage End in Divorce
Although gray divorce can be difficult, it can also be a time for self-reflection and actually serve as a time to reinvent your life for the better.
How to Disarm a Narcissist (and Make Them a Bit More Tolerable)
The most important trick to disarming the narcissist is to control your emotions.
Dating: What I Didn’t Say and Why
Sharing time with someone who makes you laugh and doesn’t take himself too seriously can be a salve for the wounds you hide behind your laughter and smile.
Could Your Smartphone Use be Grounds for Divorce?
How do smartphones contribute to the breakdown of long-term relationships – and what is their growing role in divorce?
The Top 5 Predictors of Divorce
Finding common ground and placing communication on the forefront will hopefully help you and your partner maintain a healthy and balanced relationship.
The Different Types of Divorce in the U.S.
There are many different types of divorce in the United States — some of which are amicable, and some of which are high-conflict. Find out about them here.
Men and Divorce: The Key to Beating Your STBX in Divorce Court
If you’re going to beat your STBX in divorce court you have to put emotions aside and come up with a winning strategy.
Should I Stay in a Marriage Only Because My Spouse Has Cancer?
When a spouse has cancer, it can be very difficult to navigate through the emotional and physical turmoil. Should a couple divorce during a serious illness?
Safe Escape Strategies to Use When Escaping An Abusive Marriage
Never leave an abusive relationship without a clear plan and strategies to use to keep you safe.
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