Letting go of your marriage isn’t any easy decision. If you want to save yourself, it may be a choice you need to make.
Divorce and Annulment
How to Avoid Bad Decisions During the Holidays
Avoiding bad decisions during the holidays can be difficult. This is because holidays often exacerbate the sadness, grief, and frustration that comes with a traumatic divorce – especially for couples who have young children and shared custodial arrangements.
5 Things You Should Have Secured Before You Finalize Your Divorce
Before you file for divorce, first make sure it’s a divorce you want. If it is, be sure to do the following four things.
5 Things You Should Have Secured Before You Finalize Your Divorce
As with any other life-altering decision, you should take your time and think things through before you finalize your divorce.
4 HUGE Mistakes People Make During Divorce
Avoiding these common mistakes people make during divorce can put you in a position to move on to a healthy emotional and financial space post-divorce.
5 Ways Substance Abuse Can Affect Your Divorce
If you’re divorcing someone with an addiction, it can have an impact on your divorce. See the five ways below.
Trailing Spouses: Divorce, Depression, and the Challenges They Face
Facing divorce after following your husband from state to state or country to country? If so, you’re what is commonly referred to as a “trailing spouse.”
Can I File for Divorce on the Grounds of Incompatibility?
Even in a no-fault divorce, you’ll have to choose a “grounds” for the divorce. Incompatibility is a commonly used ground.
4 Legal Issues You Should Consider if Your Spouse Has Cheated
If your spouse has cheated, you should take some time to discover the legal implications of their infidelity. Here are 4 important questions to discuss with a lawyer.
Dos and Don’ts for a Low-Conflict divorce
Following these tips will promote civility and help you and your spouse navigate a low-conflict divorce.
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