The “quarterback” of your divorce team will probably be your lawyer, but adding other divorce professionals to your team can smooth the road ahead of you.
Divorce and Annulment
God Hates Divorce – But Loves Divorcees
God loves divorcees because they are brokenhearted and in need of His healing love. God wants us to embrace and love divorcees as He does – not avoid, ignore, or shame them.
9 Questions & Answers to Help You Navigate the Divorce Process
Divorce is an emotional and stressful process. However, there are a number of important decisions you have to make, and this Q&A could help you make more informed choices as you navigate the divorce process.
If you can secretly record a President, can you secretly record a spouse?
Want to secretly record your spouse for evidence in your divorce? According to Robyn E. Ross, you may need to think again.
Avoiding Divorce? 5 Signs You Need to Let Go of a Bad Marriage
Are you in a bad marriage but avoiding divorce? Facing the fact that your marriage is failing and you’re staying for all the wrong reasons is a difficult reality to come to terms with.
5 Ways Drug or Alcohol Addiction Can Lead To Divorce
Being married to someone with a drug or alcohol addiction makes life and marriage hard to navigate. Given the loss of trust and the lack of honest communication, is it any wonder that many of these marriages end in divorce?
What Does Summer Mean for a Marriage on the Rocks?
For couples with a marriage on the rocks, summer can provide the opportunity to take a hard look at their relationship and then make a decision: to try to repair their marriage or to separate.
11 Parallels Between Divorce and Hurricanes
Divorce and hurricanes both begin with warmth – but as the warm air rises and cools, the wind begins to swirl around a center: a conflict, or perhaps an unmet need. We dread the signs, but we must prepare for the worst.
Should You Stay After He Cheats?
After he cheats you have a decision to make: do you stay or do you leave? Below are a few points to ponder.
Are You Headed for a Summer Divorce?
Divorce filings spike in August. Can you beat the odds and revitalize your marriage, or is divorce inevitable? Here’s how to mitigate, navigate, and survive the summer season of divorce.
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