Don’t go through divorce alone! Here’s why you should engage an experienced divorce attorney to guide you through your divorce proceedings.
Divorce and Annulment
Podcast: My Ex Is Crazy! Handling Divorce with a High-Conflict Ex-Spouse
Find out how to determine whether your ex might have a personality disorder, and how to handle divorce and co-parenting with a high-conflict ex-spouse.
The Relationship between Immigration Status and Divorce
Can a conditional resident facing divorce from a U.S. resident obtain permanent residency, or does the green card always disappear with the marriage?
The Truth about Lying, Cheating, and Power
Unfaithful spouses and sexual predators in positions of power often get away with lying and cheating for years because their colleagues and victims are afraid to “out” them.
How does divorce mediation work within a law firm?
Sometimes we get appointed by judges in our county to actually conduct mediation. Sometimes lawyers independently of the court system agree on the selection of a mediator and there are times that I’m selected by my colleagues to mediate a case. Mediation is an interesting phenomena. If it’s not properly handled and the parties are […]
What questions should you ask when hiring an attorney?
There’s a lot that goes into trying to find the person that you can work with so it will be a good and successful fit. Certainly, one of the most important things to explore when you’re sitting down with someone in that initial meeting and you’re considering hiring someone to represent you is the issue […]
What should a woman look for in a divorce lawyer?
For women who are feeling very fearful about their future, it can be tempting to hire the stereotypical shark or a pitbull attorney who promises to take their ex to the cleaners in court. The sad truth is that the shark attorney knows that they can prey on this sphere to their advantage, usually by […]
How can an attorney help create a marital settlement agreement to help save time?
A divorce agreement, also called a “marital settlement agreement,” can be drafted relatively quickly provided that the spouses have disclosed all income, identified all assets and liabilities, and have created a realistic settlement. By entering into a marital settlement agreement and asking a judge to accept it, you’re thereby waiving your right to a trial […]
How can you jumpstart divorce negotiations?
If you’re at a standstill over a hot button issue like child custody or alimony, try to reach an agreement on as many smaller issues as you can to gain momentum in your negotiations. Your divorce attorney can help you identify issues in your divorce that should be easy to settle. Reframe the discussion by […]
How can working with a lawyer save you time?
Some may think that representing themselves in their divorce without an attorney will save them time. Before you make a decision about self-representation or a do-it-yourself divorce, be aware that mistakes and errors made when going this route can result in the exact opposite of what you want. Your divorce may take much longer and […]
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