Samantha Pollin, a family lawyer at Brodsky Renehan Pearlstein & Bouquet answers common questions about divorce basics in Maryland and D.C. She will focus on separation agreements, property division, child custody, and settlement versus negotiation to settle your divorce.
Divorce and Annulment
Why Some People Cheat Instead of Leave the Marriage
If you don’t want to be with your spouse any longer, why not just leave instead of cheating and hurting them even more in the long run? In one word, the answer is “fear.”
Divorce or Counseling: Can Couples Therapy Save a Marriage?
Studies show that marriage therapy is effective in reducing distress among partners. It has a success rate of over 85%, and its effects often last for the next five years. According to surveys from many couples, they state they were able to save their marriages with the help of couples counseling.
What You Need to Know About Legal Separation
In a legal separation, you aren’t actually divorced. This is an important distinction because it means that you’ve decided to live in separate households but are still legally considered married.
Is Non-Physical ‘Cheating’ a Reason to Break up Your Marriage?
This question can only be answered after you first take a closer look at what YOU define as ‘cheating’ and what YOU feel is acceptable or unacceptable in your marriage.
Domestic Violence: Are You Trauma Bonded to Your Abuser?
A trauma bond is an attachment to a partner in an abusive relationship. The abused spouse fears not only retaliation but also the loss of the emotional connection with their partner, which seems worse than the abuse.
Tips for Keeping Financial Issues From Leading To Divorce
At the end of the day, you can manage the money issues in your relationship; you just need to be frank (without pointing fingers), committed, and mature.
How a DUI Charge May Affect Your Divorce
It is well known that the legal system does not positively view parents who are thought to have a problem with substance abuse. As a result, child custody disputes may become more difficult, especially if your kids are still too little to take care of themselves.
Love and Loss: How to Overcome Gray Divorce
Gray divorce can be especially difficult when a couple has spent a long time together building a life. So much of who you are appears to be rooted in your marriage and shaped by the person to whom you are married. This can make moving on and starting over painful.
Low-Conflict Marriage: Why I Tell My Clients It’s Good Enough
I’m often asked, “What exactly is a low conflict marriage?” I guess since I push the idea that low-conflict marriages should not fall prey to divorce, it is time I define, for those curious, what I mean by a “low-conflict marriage.”
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