Being familiar with the main dispute-resolution options available to people who are in the process of separating and divorcing in British Columbia will help you guide your patients through these difficult times more knowledgeably.
Divorce Mediation
Transform Post-Divorce Grief: Choosing an Effective Dissolution Process
This divorce article looks at choosing an effective dissolution process to transform your post-divorce grief, by Mari J. Frank, divorce lawyer and mediator.
Collaborative Law & Mediation: Expanding Options for Divorcing Couples
Collaborative law has been introduced to Ontario. Learn its ins and outs with expert Dr. Barbara Landau, psychologist, lawyer, and mediator.
How is Collaborative Divorce different from mediation?
While both legal processes prioritize working together they both work to accomplish this in very different ways.
How long is the mediation process? Can you speed it up?
With cooperation at its centre mediation moves quickly, but you can make it go even more quickly by reading this article and finding out what to do.
What if we try divorce mediation and it doesn’t work out?
Regardless of whether or not you chose mediation, a judge is needed to finalize your divorce. If mediation attempts don’t work, you and your spouse will have to find another way to come to an agreement that the judge will approve.
San Diego Divorce: Divorce and Mediation: A different approach to divorce
Discover how mediation is a great substitute for litigation, as saving money and not having to appear in court can put you more at ease during the divorce process.
How can I prepare for a mediation session?
Preparing yourself for an upcoming mediation session is the only way to get the most out of it.
My spouse and I are not talking at this point. Will mediation work?
Joint meetings with your spouse and your mediator are very important in mediation, and not speaking with them can make those tense and frustrating.
What is mediation? How long will it take?
Mediation is a voluntary process in which opposing parties work with a neutral third party (the mediator) to resolve conflicts. The goal of mediation may be a written document (memorandum of understanding) to set out what each party has agreed to and will commit to. The process may also lead to a better understanding of […]
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