New Trust Decanting in Massachusetts Ruling Allows Transfer to a Spendthrift Trust
Divorce News and Statistics
Woman Fights Back After Judge Refuses to Grant Divorce From Husband
A woman in England is appealing a court’s decision after being refused a divorce from her husband of almost 40 years.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Divorce: What Does It Mean?
After a 12-year romance, actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting divorced – putting an end to Brangelina. We will discuss what this means and what the realities are in our contemporary divorce arena.
Divorce Increases Chances of a Second Heart Attack: Study
According to a recent study in Sweden, heart attack victims who get divorced are significantly more likely to experience a second heart attack.
Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck Divorce Reportedly on Hold
It has been over a year since Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck announced they were separating to the public, yet the estranged couple has not taken any steps toward initiating – let alone finalizing – a divorce.
“Eat, Pray, Love” Author Elizabeth Gilbert Opens Up About Separation
Twelve years after falling in love with “Felipe” in Bali, bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert is separating from her husband.
Domestic Abusers Can Lose Gun Ownership Rights: Supreme Court
Gun owners convicted of domestic violence – both intentional and reckless – will be banned from gun ownership, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled.
You Can’t Be Fired for Getting Divorced, NJ Supreme Court Rules
According to a recent Supreme Court ruling in New Jersey, you can’t be fired for getting divorced or separated – no matter how “ugly” it gets.
Customized Stuffed Animals Provide Comfort to Children of Divorced Parents
Sewn out of their parents’ clothes, a “mapapu” stuffed animal can help children cope with their parents’ separation or divorce through the familiar smell and feel of the fabric.
The Divorce School Releases 11 New Free Videos and Podcasts
The Divorce School has just released another 11 new videos and podcasts for people seeking tips and information to help them deal with their divorce.
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