I take your question as applying to both child support and/or alimony, which is also known as spousal support. In New Jersey alimony is addressed under the factors that are set forth under the alimony reform act. So, the first step would be to determine the standard of living of the marriage and we […]
WATCH: How Is Alimony, Spousal Support, or Maintenance Determined in Texas?
WATCH: How Common Are Prenuptial Agreements in Wealthy Marriages?
The Impact of Domestic Violence in Property Settlement
Make sure you have enough evidence to prove a domestic violence claim that you are going to make. Once you are ready, file the Property Settlement Application.
WATCH: Can a father stop paying child support if he’s not the biological father?
Erin Durnell answers:
WATCH: Does the adoptive parent have the same parental rights as the birth parent during and after divorce?
A spouse who adopts the other spouse’s biological child during a marriage obtains the same parental rights to the child as the biological parent.
WATCH: What can a parent do if their child has been abused by the other parent?
What can a parent do if their child has been abused by the other parent? Erin Durnell answers:
WATCH: Can the de facto full-time parent apply to change their arrangement from joint to sole custody?
Jesse G. Pace answers whether a full-time parent can change from joint to sole custody:
WATCH: How does adoption work in Indiana?
Mike A. Wilkins answers:
WATCH: Who decides what is marital and what is separate property?
Trial courts in Indiana are tasked with dividing marital property in a “just and reasonable manner.” Marital property refers to property acquired during the marriage, while separate property refers to property that you brought into the marriage…
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