Both California and Nevada, like most of the western United States are community property states, California has some exceptions. California compels an equal division of community property. Nevada on the other hand favours an equal division of community property, but will allow for an unequal division if the appropriate legal standards are met. That is […]
How long does the mediation process take?
How long mediation takes depends on the parties. Some mediations are resolved in one or two sessions and I draw up an agreement. Other mediations may take several months. The benefit of mediation is that the parties set the pace within their respective comfort levels. The sessions themselves are also dependent on the parties, some […]
Can you mediate a divorce with major power imbalances or domestic violence?
There are usually imbalances of power just as there are in the marriage. That is one of the benefits of mediation as the disempowered spouse finds his or her voice and becomes part of the process of resolution. I do not allow one spouse to bully the other and I encourage both parties to speak […]
Should you hire your own lawyer when your spouse wants a divorce?
You aren’t legally obligated to hire your own divorce lawyer just because your spouse did, but going up against a professional legal expert on your own, as an amateur, could be a bad idea.
Does a family court judge rule on all divorce related issues?
The court will rule on all contested issues before it that are set forth in each party’s pleadings and are not otherwise withdrawn or settled in agreement between the party. If the parties have reached an agreement on some or all of the issues between them, then that agreement is presented to the court for […]
Do you help your clients prepare for a contested divorce litigation?
Family lawyers Heather Collier and Erik Arena from Rockville Maryland answer: “Do you help your clients prepare for a contested divorce litigation?”
What are the benefits of divorce litigation in Maryland?
Most people want to know when they will be done with the divorce process. If someone has spent months or in some cases years trying to reach an agreement with a spouse who is not really motivated to participate productively, or who constantly delays or puts up roadblocks that puts up settlement, it seems like […]
Using Mediation Over Litigation In A High Net-Worth Divorce
What are the advantages of using mediation over litigation in a high-net-worth divorce? Read more to find why one could be better than the other.
Can a couple choose to focus on particular issues during mediation?
That is entirely up to the parties as to what they want to work out. I usually start with the financial issues and the division of assets and debts, and once trust is starting to develop I move to the custody and support issues. Parties have the option of only addressing one or two issues […]
The New U.S. Tax Law for Families and its Implications
The GOP’s new U.S. tax law for families “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” has some good and bad changes for that could affect separated or divorced individuals.
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