Ever wonder how often arbitration and mediation are used as dispute resolution methods? Read what family lawyers from Maryland had to say, drawing from their own experiences.
What is the difference between mediation and arbitration in Maryland?
Want to know the difference between mediation and arbitration in Maryland? Read on to learn more, like which might be best suited for you during divorce.
If one parent is withholding parenting time, can the other parent withhold child support?
No. The rights of the children to be supported is different from the right of a parent to have access to a child. So, one cannot be bartered for or withheld for the other. A parent may have the opportunity to go to court and seek some orders regarding their support obligations if there is […]
If a new partner moves in with the primary custodial parent, does the other parent still pay spousal and child support?
They would have to still pay child support because child support belongs to the child, it does not belong to the parent. So that obligation does not change but spousal support, yes, can change. In New Jersey we do have an anti-cohabitation statute that does affect that, and in New Jersey, your former spouse to […]
If a parent has sole custody of the children, can they move away with the kids without the other parent’s permission?
You ask a question that is really hitting the bull’s eye of what has been one of the most hotly contested areas of family law over maybe the last two decades of my practice, and that’s the concept of moving children away from an existing geographic area where likely both parents are located. There has […]
Can someone declare spousal support as child support to save on taxes?
If you’re looking to save on taxes, child support is not taxable or tax deductible. In other words, alimony is paid out of your gross income.
How does a judge determine if someone qualifies for alimony in New Jersey?
Both spousal support and alimony are both terms that we use to really say the same thing. In New Jersey we have four types of alimony; we have open-duration alimony and open-duration alimony was previously known as permanent alimony, we have limited-duration alimony, rehabilitative alimony and reimbursement alimony. Open-duration alimony and limited-duration alimony are the […]
Is there a gender bias by courts when it comes to awarding custody in California?
Wondering if there is a gender bias by courts when it comes to awarding custody in California? Read what family lawyer Leslie Shaw has to say on the topic.
Determining Child Support Amount and Duration In New Jersey
How do you determine the child support amount and duration of child support in New Jersey? Read on to find out what factors are involved.
Podcast: Child Custody Gender Bias in the Family Court System
Many fathers believe there’s a gender bias when it comes to child custody. If it’s true, how can fathers protect their bond with their kids after divorce?
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