Typically third parties make reports of suspected child abuse or child neglect to the appropriate authorities.
WATCH: What are the Child Support Guidelines?
The Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines are drafted by a committee and approved by Indiana’s Supreme Court.
WATCH: Is there a statute governing parentage that could affect children born via ART in Indiana?
There are several statutes in Indiana that could affect children born as a result of assisted reproduction.
WATCH: What is a premarital agreement? Is it the same thing as a prenuptial agreement?
Premarital agreements, also known as prenuptial agreements, are agreements entered into in anticipation of marriage.
WATCH: Does Indiana have paternity statutes, residency requirements, or adoption laws that could have an impact on whether or not legal parentage of a child born via third party reproduction will be permitted?
There are several statutes and other authorities that could have an impact on whether or not legal parentage of a child born via third party reproduction will be permitted.
WATCH: How does collaborative divorce work?
Collaborative divorce is a process where both parties commit to working with a jointly chosen team of professionals to settle their case out of court.
WATCH: If a non-biological parent adopted their spouse’s child during marriage, can they obtain custody?
A parent who adopted her spouse’s child during the marriage can obtain primary or sole custody of the child during the divorce, as there is no presumption under Indiana law regarding which parent should receive custody of a child.
WATCH: What does a parenting coordinator do? How can you help a divorcing couple who has children?
A parenting coordinator is appointed by the Court to assist parents in implementing and following a custody order.
WATCH: If a US court orders that the children should be returned, will a foreign court respect that order?
If the other parent has taken your child to another country without your consent, you may be able to get an order for return from a court in the United States.
WATCH: Why is a GAL appointed?
A guardian ad litem, commonly called a “gal” or “G.A.L.,” is appointed to represent the best interests of the child or children in a case.
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