You could save your rings for your children, transform them into other pieces of jewelry, or sell them. However, selling your wedding rings on divorce might be the smartest – and most practical – way to dispose of them.
Financial Issues
Survey: How Student Loan Debt Impacts Divorce
It’s virtually impossible to get student loan debt discharged in a bankruptcy, so you’re stuck with it – which can exacerbate your other marital issues. In fact, more than a third of student loan borrowers claim that debt contributed to their divorce.
Debt Consolidation Loan: What Is the Process of Calculation of Debt and Assets After Divorce?
Following a divorce, parties must determine the division of both assets and debts – including any debt consolidation loans that may have been received during the marriage.
TCJA Alimony Tax Changes: the Clock is Ticking!
If you’re planning to divorce, you may want to hasten your proceedings to take advantage of pre-TCJA alimony tax treatment. Here’s why.
How To Protect What Is Rightfully Yours During Divorce
Protecting your legal rights during divorce means you need to be knowledgeable about how marital homes, businesses, and pension plans are handled during divorce.
3 Myths Regarding Divorce and Health Insurance
Do you know your options for healthcare insurance should you divorce?
5 Ways to Save Money After Divorce
Making a budget and stopping impulse shopping are just two ways to save money after divorce. It’s a good start – but you still have a way to go!
Child Tax Credit and Dependency Exemption: Will the New Law Affect You?
Congress has made significant changes to the Child Tax Credit and dependency exemptions that will matter a lot to divorcing parents. Do you know how the new tax laws will affect you?
How to Relocate After Divorce in an Eco-Friendly Way
Moving to a new home could help you move on after divorce – out of your comfort zone, but with the opportunity to make new memories. Learn what steps you can take to relocate after divorce in a less stressful and eco-friendly way.
What to Know About High-Asset Divorce in California
Are you a high-net-worth individual going through a divorce in California? Ensuring you take the right steps during a high-asset divorce and seek out professional help can save you a lot of trouble down the line.
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