You can offer experiences that create memories. The most memorable times with our parents were experiences that were often simple in nature, but full of emotional connections.
Financial Issues
WATCH: What should a business owner’s first step be to avoid disruption during divorce?
What should a business owner’s first step be to avoid disruption during divorce? Illinois Divorce Lawyer Candace Meyers answers:
What’s Mine is Mine: Assessing Net Worth in Divorce
During divorce, a Statement of Net Worth outlines each party’s income, assets, expenses, and outstanding debts. Failure to disclose assets on this Statement could have serious consequences.
Splitting Finances During Separation: 6 Things to Keep in Mind
Splitting finances during separation can make financial management very difficult. Here’s 6 things to keep in mind when splitting finances in a divorce.
Property Division on Divorce: Are You Leaving Money on the Table?
Don’t leave money on the table during divorce! By understanding property division on divorce, and knowing what property can and cannot be included in the marital estate, you will have a better chance of getting your fair share.
7 Financial Steps to Take After Filing for Divorce
After filing for divorce, expect several financial issues to come up during the divorce process and even afterward. These steps will help lead you towards a more secure financial future.
8 Common Questions about Real Estate and Divorce
A real estate lawyer answers eight of the most common questions about real estate and divorce from couples going through this tough stage in their lives.
Can the court order one spouse to transfer marital property to the other spouse?
If property is titled only in the name of one spouse, then generally a court cannot order one spouse to transfer the property to the other spouse. However there are three exceptions, a court can transfer an interest in a pension, retirement account or other type of deferred compensation from one spouse to the other. […]
What is the difference between marital property and nonmarital property?
Marital property is any property that was acquired during the marriage. By acquired I mean paid for with marital funds. How something is titled doesn’t determine whether or not it is marital property. As long as it is paid for during the marriage with marital funds, it is marital property. So, for example if one […]
What is the difference between an equitable distribution state and a community property state in Maryland?
In a community property state, community property is presumed to be jointly owned and as a result it is divided equally during a divorce. Maryland is an equitable distribution state so title doesn’t determine whether property is marital or not. Also marital property does not have to be distributed equally, only fairly and equitably. The […]
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