New Trust Decanting in Massachusetts Ruling Allows Transfer to a Spendthrift Trust
Financial Issues
What do I need to do to get my fair share?
How do I know which method of valuing a business is best for my business?
Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
Three Perspectives on Keeping the House, or Not
Deciding what to do with the family home can cause a lot of conflict between a divorcing couple. Here’s some guidance from a mental-health professional, a financial professional, and a lawyer.
The Effects of Financial Stress in Gray Divorces
Gray divorce can often lead to significant financial stress, as the bills that were once paid by two now must be paid independently.
What should I do if I suspect that my spouse is hiding information regarding the family business?
What should I do if I suspect that my spouse is hiding information regarding the family business? Chuck Roberts is family lawyer at Momkus McCluskey Roberts, LLC, one of the largest law firms in DuPage County, Illinois.
Will Divorce Affect Your Mortgage?
One way or another, divorce will affect your mortgage. If you have an outstanding mortgage on the marital home, there are a range of options for you to consider.
What Happens To Your Credit When You Get Divorced?
Even after you’re legally separated, there may be lingering financial ties that bind you together. You risk serious ramifications if you and your spouse don’t discuss how to handle the debt after the separation.
5 Things You Need To Know About Divorce and Your Finances
Before committing to going through a divorce, make sure you are prepared for the financial changes that divorce brings.
Are the business assets divided during the divorce, or is it normally one spouse gets the business and the other spouse gets…
It’s much more common for one side to take the business interest and the other side to receive an offsetting distribution of other assets. As you put it, maybe one side does get the business and the other side gets the house. Maybe there’s retirement money that can be apportioned disproportionately to compensate the spouse […]
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