You owe it to yourself to decrease stress and anxiety by securing your financial future after divorce. Here’s how to get your finances on track.
Financial Issues
Business Goodwill in Divorce Settlements: A Primer
If you and/or your spouse own a business, the valuation may include business goodwill. Here are the courts’ definitions of business goodwill, the types of goodwill those courts generally recognize, and which types can be considered marital property subject to division on divorce.
How Divorce Affects Workers’ Comp Settlements
It’s often unclear what exactly happens to the compensation one of the spouses received in a workman’s compensation settlement. If this is something you’re facing right now, here is some information on how to approach the matter.
Money Problems Plus Narcissism Equals Divorce
As a CPA who has counseled many couples, I’ve seen this formula before.
Getting Out of Debt After Your Divorce WITHOUT Screwing Over Your Ex
If bills from joint accounts are too much to handle on your own, there’s a way out that won’t leave your ex on the hook.
WATCH: Brian McNamara discussed Texas Divorce & Property Division
Dan Couvrette, the publisher of and Family Lawyer Magazine discussed Texas divorce and property division with Family Lawyer Brian McNamara of Kingwood, Texas.
Financial Co-Parenting: 4 Ways to Save Your Money and Your Sanity
Raising a child apart can be costly and stressful. Here’s how to do it right.
Solving a $30,000 Credit Card Debt Problem Post Divorce
When stuck with paying off 12 credit cards after her divorce, here’s how one woman got out from under the burden of crushing debt.
Everything to Know About Dividing Retirement in Divorce – Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (Qdros)
Dividing retirement plans during a divorce in Texas can be complicated. Learn everything you need to know about Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
For Neither Richer Nor Poorer: Divorcing Isn’t Just for the Wealthy
Divorcing isn’t just for the wealthy, and there are fewer differences across socioeconomic lines than most people think. Here’s why.
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