The best way for a financially inexperienced person to know if the other spouse is being completely truthful in his or her financial discovery is to work with his or her lawyer when the lawyer sends discovery requests and other questions to the other side. Discovery is the formal process by which the lawyer can […]
Financial Issues
If someone enters the marriage with pre-marital property, would any growth on that be separate or marital property?
The answer is it depends on the situation. If the party maintains it separate than any accumulation of wealth and if it’s a non-marital property, then the wealth that accumulates is non-marital property. There are situations in which if the other spouse contributes to the non-marital property, gives it time or effort or does their […]
What is the difference between marital property and separate property?
Marital property is any property that’s acquired during the course of the party’s marriage; separate property would be more appropriately called non-marital property. Non-marital property is any property that’s listed by statute in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Statue. You have to look at it as there are specific categories of non- marital […]
What is the difference between equitable distribution state and a community property state?
First, Illinois is considered an equitable distribution state. What equitable distribution state means is when the judges are looking at the marital assets as a whole, they will start at 50/50 and then they may go up or down from there as they see fit in order to arrive at an equitable division of the […]
What are career assets and how are they divided on divorce?
Career assets are assets that are acquired during the course of a career, such as when you have a doctor who has a medical office or a dentist who has a dentist office. Obviously they have tools and equipment; those would be considered career assets because those machines or those tools have assets and value […]
Podcast: Sean Sullivan on Property Division After Divorce in Illinois
Family lawyer Sean Sullivan answers popular questions surrounding property division during the divorce process in Illinois.
9 Reasons to Visit The Divorce School Now
Here’s a preview of the nine new podcasts and videos that have just been released at The Divorce School.
Is going to court the only way to ensure you’ll get your fair share?
California Family Law Specialist Fern Topas Salka discusses the benefits of consensual dispute resolution to get your fair share in divorce going to court.
Is going to court the only way to ensure getting your fair share?
Is it true that going to court is the only way to ensure that you’ll get your fair share?
WATCH: The Divorce School Opens Today!
Today’s the day:, the world’s first divorce-related online learning center, is now officially open! Watch this short video to find out more.
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