Equitable distribution of assets and liabilities can be complicated based upon certain facts and circumstances. Watch or read to learn more.
Financial Issues
WATCH: Divorce from the perspective of a business owner or spouse of a business owner
Read the transcript of this video below. What is your approach toward representation of business owners in divorce cases? Representing a business owner in a divorce requires specialized knowledge and skill. Although each business is unique, there are accounting and financial aspects that are usually applied to the valuation process in New Mexico. By […]
Divorce Settlements and Executive Compensation
An introduction to dividing stock options, restricted stock, or other executive compensation during divorce.
Podcast: Family Lawyer Jon Feder on Divorce Financial Issues
Jon Feder, a New Mexico Family Lawyer, explains the tax consequences of divorce, property division, and divorcing when you own a business.
How Can My IRA Be Transferred To My Spouse?
How can my IRA be transferred to my spouse? Do I have to pay penalties or taxes on the transfer?
Engagement Ring: Marital Or Separate Property In Divorce?
I gave my wife a 5-karat diamond engagement ring, which I considered to be an investment for the family and marital property. She says that it was a gift to her and so it is her separate property. Who is right?
Financial Fraud and Divorce
There are warning signs that your spouse may have committed financial fraud in your marriage; the greater the number of red flags, the more likely that there is something fishy about the family’s finances.
What The Court Looks At When Dividing Assets In A Divorce
Once you determine whether or not you’re going to file for divorce, you need to identify the assets that the marriage owns. In South Carolina, anything that was acquired during the marriage is considered part of the marital pot, so to speak. Debts, property, personal and real investment accounts, and anything else the couple has […]
Will My Health Insurance Cover My Children And Ex After A Divorce?
The answer may vary depending on your health insurance provider and plan. It is important that you speak with your plan administrator and verify their terms prior to agreeing to provide coverage. It is typical that one parent continues to cover the children after the entry of the divorce. This should be detailed in […]
Is The House I Owned Before The Marriage Still Separate Property?
I owned my house before we got married. Is this house still my separate property now that we’re getting divorced? What if I added my spouse’s name to the deed of the house I brought into the marriage?
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