If someone suspects that their spouse is hiding assets from them, what should they do? Illinois family lawyer Jay Frank discusses the steps.
Financial Issues
WATCH: Can a spouse be forced to leave the marital home before a divorce is finalized?
New Mexico family lawyer Virginia Dugan explains if it is possible to make one spouse leave the marital home before the divorce is finalized.
WATCH: How do I get my fair share during divorce if my spouse owns a business?
If someone’s spouse owns a business, how can they ensure that they’re getting their fair share during divorce? Illinois family lawyer Joy Feinberg explains.
WATCH: How does someone protect a business during divorce?
Illinois family lawyer Joy Feinberg discusses what someone can do to protect a business during divorce.
Financial Divorce Preparation
Here are the “Lucky Seven” things you can do to help prepare yourself for your post-divorce financial future.
Podcast: New Mexico Family Attorneys Discuss Divorce
In this podcast, two New Mexico Family Attorneys discuss three options for divorce in New Mexico, including an alternative method called collaborative law.
I’m a custodial parent and I’d like to keep the house.
I’m a custodial parent and I’d like to keep the house so my kids can stay in the same home after the divorce. My husband has said I can keep the house if he can keep his whole pension. Is this a good deal for me?
What happens in a case where there is a business or property owned by the couple…
What happens in a case where there is a business or property owned by the couple, but one of the spouses has no involvement in the financial affairs? How does the non-involved spouse make sure he/she gets a fair share in a divorce?
Considering a Forensic CPA? Credibility is Worth More Than the Price
Price can be a consideration, but it should not be the primary factor in your decision of whether to hire a financial forensic expert.
Post-Divorce Financial Checklist
Here are 20 financial “must dos” after divorce. Once you’ve completed this list, you’ll be on the right track financially, and can rest assured you’ve done everything possible to take control and make the most of your finances.
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