What you need to know about Approved Domestic Relations Orders (ADROs).
Financial Issues
Do IRAs require a QDRO to be divided?
Contacting an account representative is a guaranteed way to figure out if IRAs require a QDRO to be divided. Click to read more.
How do I transfer some of my interest in a qualified retirement plan to my spouse?
I’m transferring some of my interest in a qualified retirement plan to my spouse in our divorce agreement. How should I go about doing this?
What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)?
A QDRO is a court order with the purpose of dividing the pension as if it were property between the employee and their non-employee spouse.
Sample copied FAQ
Separate property in California divorce law is property acquired before marriage or after the date of separation and property inherited during the marriage or otherwise received by gift. Generally, income from separate property is separate property, and property acquired with separate property is separate property. Community property is property acquired during the marriage. All property […]
How are retirement plan assets handled during a divorce?
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or QDRO, will specify the terms under which you or your former spouse can receive an interest in a qualified retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or pension. To avoid mandatory withholding, make sure the transfer is made directly from one qualified, tax exempt account to another. Rock A. Tate […]
Is it true the federal government does not accept QDROs?
The term QDRO, or Qualified Domestic Relations Order, applies to the private sector. Federal pensions are exempt from QDROs because they are exempt from ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
3 Tips for Balancing Love & Money in a Blended Family
Statistics say that almost one out of every two marriages will end in divorce. This sociological earthquake has left the old-style nuclear family in ruins – but what effect is it having on the economics of love?
Podcast: Ed Portelli Gives a Financial Advice on How to Deal with Debt
Ed Portelli, a Debt and Credit Specialist in Canada, explains how to overcome the burden of dealing with credit card or other non-secured debt.
Podcast: Bari Weinberger on the 5 Critical Risks of Divorce – Part 2
Bari Weinberger, a New Jersey Family Lawyer, discusses alimony, child custody, support payment calculations and property division.
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