How much are the retirement assets worth in divorce? Dividing retirement assets in a divorce is a complicated process. Many executives have defined benefit plans (pensions), defined contribution plans (usually 401k or profit-sharing), non-qualified deferred compensation and stock incentive plans. Unfortunately, it is common to overlook these assets or overlook the tax aspects of dividing […]
Financial Issues
Proper Evaluation of Goodwill of a Business During Divorce
In many cases, the value of the business or practice is determined based on the earning stream of the business. The concern to the spouse who owns the business, and who also has a spousal support obligation, is that the earning stream used to value the business is also used to pay the spousal support obligation.
The Cash Business in Divorce
A resource to help you detect if your spouse doesn’t want to reveal information about the cash taken out of the business without reporting it.
How might my income taxes be affected by my divorce in AB?
Your income tax situation will be impacted threefold by the decisions made in your divorce: Firstly, it is vital that you consider tax implications when you are weighing property settlement options. Although most assets (e.g. stocks, recreational property, etc.) can be transferred in name from one spouse to the other without triggering tax on marriage […]
The Buck Stops Here. Can I stop paying alimony when I retire?
My spouse is irresponsible with money and credit and I am very careful. With the divorce wiil I be saddled with his debts?
Review all of your credit reports so that before your divorce is finalized you know where you stand and have made steps to separate yourself financially from your spouse.
What things should we consider regarding divorce and taxes?
With so many questions on divorce and how it affects your taxes, this article compiles a list of commonly asked questions, and points to a person who can answer them: a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
What can I expect if my assets were used to acquire our assets?
What can I expect if my assets were used to acquire our assets? If you are like most people, you thought your marriage would last forever. For that reason, you did not completely segregate your separate assets from your marital assets1. Now you are divorcing, and you may want the court to award you the […]
Yours, Mine, Ours: What Can I Expect if My Assets Were Used to Acquire Our Assets?
In Virginia, an asset that was acquired or maintained with a blend of separate and marital funds is referred to as hybrid property. This article will explain how Virginia courts divide the value in hybrid property and what evidence you can gather to help your attorney trace out your separate contributions and increase the amount of your settlement or award.
Surviving Divorce During Recession
How to prepare yourself to deal with the financial realities of divorce – especially in this tough economy.
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