Tax blackmail usually results in collateral damage to both sides of your case due to joint tax returns being signed. Click to read on how to handle tax blackmail.
Financial Issues
Can financial information make the difference between a good outcome and a bad
Compiling the necessary financial records and files you need can go a long way in ensuring that your divorce ends up the way you want it to. Listen to the lawyer’s advice and keep good account of all your financials.
What are the tax advantages of a properly prepared separation agreement in Ontario?
The main tax advantage is that where spousal support is paid under the agreement in a certain amount each month (or each regular period — e.g., weekly, or quarterly) the amount is deductible from the payer’s income for the purpose of calculating income tax and includible in the payee’s income for tax purposes. This is […]
Overspending May Wind Up Costing You More than You Think
Many people can fall into the habit of overspending when they have difficulty budgeting, understanding necessary expenses, and finding bargains–but the price may be higher than you think.
Taking Chances with Your Money
Taking chances with your money may be putting both your material worth and your self worth on the line
Divorce, Recession Style
The way that couples — and the professionals assisting them — are dealing with divorce has had to change dramatically to keep up with today’s financial realities.
Fighting Just to Win: Is It Worth It?
Standing your ground is an empowering thing to do when surrounded by conflict, and the conflicts of divorce are no different. But how do you know if you’re just fighting in order to say that you won? When should you know to swallow your pride in order to
Collection Agencies Out for Blood — Literally
Too often, divorce leaves people with debt and recovering can take a long time, which means you may have to deal with collection agencies. Learn about the rules that collection agencies must abide by when contacting you.
Ten Tips to Reduce the Costs of Marcie and Leo’s Divorce
Learn the top ten tips of reducing the cost associated with the divorce proceedings from Deborah Lynn Zutter, mediator, as she explains how to successfully manage the divorce mediation process.
Will my spouse be entitled to some of my pension after I divorce?
Will my spouse be entitled to some of my pension after I divorce? Click here to find the answer by Marie-H
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