Can your spouse file bankruptcy to avoid paying child support? Your spouse’s debts will be relieved, but not their obligations to pay child support or alimony. Click to read more.
Financial Issues
How should we deal with our marital debt? We owe more than we own.
Marital debt may be the cause of divorce, or a factor that’s delaying it. Find out how to work alongside your spouse to deal with this financial issue and move on with your lives.
Discovering your Financial Reality
Understanding your financial situation will give you a sense of control over your life – before, during, and after divorce.
Getting in Sync
When starting a new long-term relationship, or trying to save your current one, you both need to have compatible or relatively compatible personalities in all aspects, but most importantly in the financial aspect. Read on as Gail Liberman and Allan Lavine
Keeping Your Head above Water after Divorce
How to make it through your divorce without going broke.
How can I build or rebuild good credit after divorce?
A damaged credit report is often one of the after-effects of a divorce, especially when individuals don’t know how to protect themselves. Here’s how to rebuild credit after divorce.
How can my income taxes be affected by my divorce?
Whoever gets the children or has to pay child support in your divorce will have a large effect on the income taxes of both parents.
Will my spouse get the lions share of everything if I committed adultery?
Your spouse’s cheating may have a large effect on how child custody is decided, as well as possible affecting property division as well.
If my ex-spouse fails to pay for debts, can her creditors come after me for payment?
If you’ve signed any papers or your name is on any documentation, then you could be liable to pay for debts that your ex-spouse owes.
Is it true that you are automatically entitled to receive alimony for a percentage of the number of years you were married?
Maintenance is far from being cut-and-dry, and a skilled divorce lawyer can help you gain a better understanding of this complex legal matter.
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