Even if your divorce seems to have cleaned you out, you’re likely not as badly off as you may think. Here are some smart strategies for finding (or creating) that extra money you may not realize is available.
Financial Issues
Money Myths
Money myths are global beliefs about all the wonderful, almost magical things that money can do for us. Though each of these myths contains some modicum of truth, taking them as gospel can prevent us from making rational decisions with our money. Here’s how to identify and debunk some of the myths that may be causing problems in your financial and personal life.
Top Ten Tips
Trying to save money on your divorce legal fees? Then get your top 10 tips on cutting the cost of your divorce proceedings from Linda C. Senn, author of Your Pocket Divorce Guide.
You Need a Credible Valuation of a Closely Held Business
Learn why the value of a closely held business is strongly important during the dissolution of your marriage.
Buried Treasure: Looking for Hidden Assets in a Divorce
During a difficult divorce, one spouse often suspects the other is hiding or undervaluing significant assets in an attempt to keep them out of the settlement. A forensic accountant can help to find hidden assets, or put your mind at rest that there’s nothing to find.
Business Valuation Relating to Lifestyle Cost
Learn how to expose a business when most of the patrons are paying cash and keeping the books clean. An article by Parente Randolph Accountants & Consultants
Capitalization Rates: An Important Aspect in Determining Value
Get information on capitalization rates with the expertise of David Fox, an accountant for 25 years located in West Los Angeles. Fox is an expert witness throughout divorce cases all over the country. Find out how to maximize your profits.
Determining the Future Value Of Stock Options
Learn how to determine the value of a stock before you decide whether or not to purchase it or take advantage of your employers stock option incentive. Expert accountant David Fox, explains how the stock system works.
Direct Examination of the Business Valuation Expert
Utilize this resource to identify all the significant aspects you must take into consideration when preparing a direct examination of a business valuation expert.
If my ex declares bankruptcy, am I liable for his debts?
Find out if you could be in danger of being held liable for your spouse’s debts and your ex declaring bankruptcy. Click to read more about this very interesting topic.
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