Almost all debts accrued during your marriage are community-property debts, and this means that your spouse refusing to pay one could result in a creditor at your door.
Financial Issues
Tracing Exempt or Immune Assets for Purposes of Equitable Distribution and Related Transmutation Issues
Identify the assets that are excluded from equitable distribution and learn how properties acquired before marriage can be subject to equitable distribution during divorce. Recognize the actions that may connect or transmute the asset.
What to Expect at a Deposition
Paul L. Feinstein, a Chicago sole practitioner with over four decades of experience, explains the basics about what happens at a deposition and a list of some area of questions that may be asked.
How could my income taxes be affected by my divorce in Florida?
Miami CPA Phil Shechter answers the question “How could my income taxes be affected by my divorce in Florida?” Read on to see what he says.
I want to change the division of property in my divorce.
If you want to change the division of property in your divorce, what are your options for doing so? Is there a time limit for it? What do you need? Certified Family Law Specialist Michelle May O’Neil explains all this and more in this guide to property di
I’m transferring some of my interest in an IRA to my spouse. How do I do this in FL?
Getting a Qualified Domestic Relations Orders is a great way of sharing your pension benefits with your ex without being taxed on the funds you’re paying them.
Is there any way of structuring support payments to lower my taxes in FL?
As the one paying spousal support your payments are deductible provided that you meet a few particular qualifications.
I’ve been a stay-at-home Mom in FL. Am I entitled to Social Security benefits if I get divorced?
A long marriage spent taking care of your children can end with you being eligible to a part of your working ex’s retirement benefits.
How should we deal with our marital debt? We owe more than we own in New Jersey.
If you earn more than your spouse you may be end up with paying off slightly more of the marital debt than they are.In New Jersey, the Equitable Distribution Criteria describe the factors that must be considered by a court, each party, and their attorneys.
If your ex-spouse fails to pay for his/her debts, can his/her creditors come after you?
Generally, if the debts were acquired jointly, even if the divorce decree requires him or her to pay them, the creditors are not bound by the decree.
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