Divorce is not cheap. Larry Rich explains the kind of money you will need to pay your legal team in order to go through with the divorce successfully.
Financial Issues
In Debt? Getting Your Finances Back on Track
Facing your financial difficulties is important. Exploring and understanding your financial options allows you to begin to take control of your finances and get your life back on track.
Institutional Investing for Individual Investors
Investing is always tricky business. Take a look at Edward Papier’s article to help you figure out how wisely and best to invest.
Interest Paid to Your Ex is Deductible
Though the division of property, assets, and debt is generally equal, sometimes one spouse will want to give up the assets in exchange for instalments of monetary compensation and interest on the payments.
IRA Transfers and Divorce
If you’re transferring your interest in an IRA to your (former) spouse, you could get hit with extra tax and penalties if the transfer is not made correctly. Here’s the right way — and a couple examples of the wrong way — to transfer these funds.
New Capital Gains Tax Break
Find out how you can get a tax break if you have a certain amount of capital gain from selling your property.
Your Children Are Worth More Under New Tax Laws
Your children are, without a doubt, your most valuable possession, and according to 1997 tax laws, you can claim a certain amount of tax credit for each of your dependents.
IRS Declares Spouses More Innocent Than Before
Ginita Wall discusses the new amendments made to the innocent spouse provisions and the effects it will have on paying taxes.
Life After Divorce
A guide to some of the matters you may need to handle post-divorce.
After the Loving: Post-Divorce Financial Planning
During the divorce process, clients often rely on their attorney for guidance not only for legal issues but also for financial issues and locating professional financial experts. You have helped your client get a fair financial settlement; now the client must become financially independent.
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